mercredi 9 avril 2014

“Politics, Women and Authority : role, influence, subversive power and networks in the UK in the 19th and 20th centuries”.

François Rabelais University (Tours) (with the support of CRECIB)

10-11 April 2014

organisation : Stéphane Porion

Program :

Thursday 10 April : 14h-17h [Tanneurs, salle extension 09]

- Trevor Harris (Vice-Head of ICD, Tours University) : Welcome speech 14h00-14h15

- Inauguration 14h15-14h30

- Chair : Trevor Harris

- Corinne Belliard (Tours University): “Beatrice Webb : a Progressive or Traditionalist Activist?” 14h30-15h00

- Stéphanie Prévost (Paris Diderot University) : “British female reformers on wife-selling; or the larger question of women's enduring status as chattel (1807-1913)” 15h00-15h30

Coffee break 15h30-16h00

- Chair : Trevor Harris

- Rebecca Gill (Huddersfield University): “Creating 'little missionaries of hygiene': female activists and the politics of nursery care in Britain, 1919-1939” 16h00-16h30

Conference Dinner: 20h15 at restaurant Léonard de Vinci

Friday 11 April :  9h-12h30 [Tanneurs, BU, 5e étage]

- Chair: Martine Monacelli-Faraut 

- Keynote speaker : Sarah Childs (Bristol University): “Conservatism, Conservative Parties, and Gendered Political Representation” 9h-10h15

Coffee break 10h15-10h30

- Chair : Françoise Barret-Ducrocq (Paris Diderot University)

- Keynote speaker: Myriam Boussabah Bravard (Paris Diderot University): “Contest and conquest: the authority of citizenship and historiography in the suffrage campaign 1885-1914” 10h30-12h00

- Tiffanie Mirbelle (Paris Diderot University): “From domestic experience to political participation: chartist women's struggle for authority”. 12h00-12h30

Lunch : 12h30-14h

Friday 11 April : 14h-17h30 [Tanneurs, BU, 5e étage]

Chair: Stéphane Porion

- Martine Monacelli-Faraut (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University): "Lady Astor, the first woman MP : Subversion or reinforcement of women’s roles ?". 14h00-14h30

- Karine Rivière De Franco (Orléans University) “Devolution and the Political Representation of Women in Britain” 14h30-15h00

Coffee break 15h00-15h15

Chair: Sarah Childs

- Philippe Vervaecke (Lille 3 Charles de Gaulle University): “The Ladies' Grand Council : the extent and limits of authority for aristocratic women within the Primrose League, 1883-1939”. 15h15-15h45

- Clarisse Berthezène (Paris Diderot University): “‘Formulating a policy of special interest to women' (M. Maxse): the British Conservative party and the mobilisation of women, 1918-1945” 15h45-16h15

- Stéphane Porion (Tours University): “ The role and influence of Diana Spearman – ‘an outstanding and tireless philosopher of conservatism’ – in the post-war Conservative Party” 16h15-17h

17h00-17h30 Conclusion: Françoise Barret-Ducrocq, Sarah Childs & Stéphane Porion

17h30 : End

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