vendredi 13 février 2015

CFP Masculin/ Féminin : la question du genre dans le cinéma et les séries anglophones

Appel à communications, 21e Congrès de la SERCIA 
Université d’Artois, Arras, France
3-5 septembre 2015 
Masculin/ Féminin : la question du genre dans le cinéma et les séries anglophones

Texte complet de l'appel en cliquant ici

Date limite : 16 mars 2015
Envoyer un résumé (300 mots environ) en anglais ou en français, ainsi qu’une courte biographie, à Julie Assouly (assoulyjulie@...), Jean-François Baillon (jfbaillon@...) et Marianne Kac-Vergne (mariannekac@...). Une sélection d’articles sera publiée aux Presses Universitaires d’Artois.

mercredi 4 février 2015

Maisonnat : Feminine Ways, Female Voices

Vient de paraître, l'ouvrage de Claude Maisonnat aux Editions Merry World, coll. Anglophilia Feminine Ways, Female Voices: The Emergence of Women¹s Writing in Contemporary Short Fiction

This could be the beginning of a fascinating metafictional and intertextual short story in which women would be called to the bar to testify and, more seriously, this book is indeed about the feminine principle but that it is not necessary to have read Freud or Lacan to understand Professor Maisonnat: actually he is much clearer in his explanations than Freud with his “dark continent,” another way to impose phallic authority on woman through the feigned impossibility to understand how she functions (or dysfunctions), or Lacan with his cryptic “Woman does not exist” which according to Professor Maisonnat himself, means simply that as an abstract philosophical category is (was) subsumed under the all-embracing category of Man.

ISBN: 2-926320-29-6
EAN: 9782916320298