vendredi 2 août 2013

Atelier Gender, Law & Society - Congrès RCSL - Toulouse

Un atelier genre, intitulé "Gender Renewal(s)?" est organisé au Congrès du Research Committee on the Sociology of Law (RCSL) par le Gender, Law & Society Working Group.

Il se tiendra à Toulouse du 3 au 6 septembre prochains.
Tous les ateliers auront lieu à la Manufacture des Tabacs.
Toutes les infos sont disponibles sur le site officiel du Congrès ( et le programme de l'atelier genre est ci-dessous:

Gender, Law & Society WG: "Gender Renewal(s)?"
Alexandrine GUYARD-NEDELEC & Barbara Giovanna BELLO

Session A: gender and human rights
Weds. Sept 4th, 14:00-16:00 – Room MD006
14:00-14:15 Brief introduction to the Gender WG Workshop
14:15-14:30 -1) Alexander Kondakov
Constructing Gender in a Court Room: What the Pussy Riot Case Has Made Evident
about Gendered Citizenship in Russia
14:30-14:45 -2) Sileymane Sylla
Conflit entre normes sociales et juridiques au Sénégal: Le cas de l'excision
14:45-15:00 -3) Mario Pecheny
What love's got to do with it?
15:00-15:15 -4) Silvana Beline and Mariane Beline Tavares
The cry of the not-said: Abortion in Brazil
15:15-16:00 Debate

Session B: gender and crime(s)
Weds. Sept 4th, 16:15-18:15– Room MD006
16:15-16:30 Revival of the WG: future activities and orientations
16:30-16:45 -1) Ngaire Naffine
Husbands as Criminal Legal Persons
16:45-17:00 -2) Agustina Iglesias & Patricia Faraldo Cabana
Feminist criminology in Latin America: gender violence in the context of the
democratization processes in XXI Century
17:00-17:15 -3) Marco Aurelio Borges Costas and Marcelle Ferreira Lins
Without happy ending: the moral background of female homicides in Cachoeiro de
Itapemirim (ES/BR)
17:15-17:30 -4) Maritel Yanes Perez
Homicide in Mexico at the beginning of the XXI century: from a gender perspective
17:30-18:15 Debate

Session C: gender equality: a multifaceted battle
Thurs. Sept. 5th, 18:30-20:00 – Room MD307
18:30-18:45 -1) Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec
Intersectionality and anti-discrimination law: what happens to gender?
18:45-19:00 -2) Doina Balahur
Towards structural transformation to achieve gender equality in science
19:00-19:15 -3) Malgorzata Fuszara
Legislative quota, women’s movement and politics. Polish case
19:15-20:00 Debate