mercredi 30 mai 2012

Call for Papers: Collisions, Coalitions and Riotous Subjects: The Riots one year on. A one-day conference

***New speakers added***

Over the past year, academics have brought critical perspectives to bear on the complex causes and consequences of the English riots of 2011. These interventions have unsettled the easy answers offered by politicians and the police. Important questions have been raised about the relationship between the riots and the increasingly hostile conditions of neoliberalism and Coalition policies, including: growing unemployment, rising tuition fees, the withdrawal of the EMA, cuts to Sure Start and an overhaul of welfare provision. On the 28th September 2012, The Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research (London South Bank University) – in collaboration with the Institute for Policy Studies in Education (London Metropolitan University) – will host a one-day conference designed to interrogate the relationship between the Riots and re-shaped inequalities of race, class, place, gender, sexuality in a post-crash, austerity era. As we see protests and uprisings across Europe and beyond, this will be a moment to reflect more widely on the convulsions of contemporary capitalism.

The day will include plenary panels of guest speakers from across academia and public and political life, and a series of academic papers. Confirmed speakers include: Professor Les Back (Goldsmiths College); Professor Valerie Hey (University of Sussex), Professor Val Gillies (Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research); Owen Jones (author of Chavs: The demonization of the working-class); Dr Lisa McKenzie (University of Nottingham); Ojeaku Nwabuzo (The Runnymede Trust); Dr Clifford Stott (Aarhus University, Denmark; co-author of Mad Mobs and Englishmen? Myths and Realities of the Riots 2011); Daniel Silver (Salford Social Action and Research Foundation); Gillian Slovo (Playwright, 'The Riots') and Tracey Gore (Director of the Steve Biko Housing Assoc., Liverpool). Attendees are invited to the evening book launch for ‘Educational Diversities’ (Palgrave, Edited by Yvette Taylor).

We welcome contributions from across the career stage and from a range of disciplines including sociology, media studies, geography, education, cultural studies and criminology. We are interested in traditional presentations, posters and other innovative formats.
Abstracts are invited on themes including but not limited to:
· Encounters, exclusions and (dis)contents in regenerated city spaces
· Families, ‘parental responsibility’ and welfare regimes
· Youth, educational aspirations and work futures in an age of austerity
· Policing, Stop and Search and race relations· Gendering the ‘rioters’
· Coalition policy responses to the riots 
· Sexual subjects: normativities and disruptions

Please submit proposed abstracts of up to 250 words (with contact details) to: abstracts.riotsconference(a) Please save your abstracts with author name followed by Riots_2012. (e.g. Smith_Riots_2012). The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 5th June 2012.For more information please contact the organisers, Professor Yvette Taylor (Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research), Dr Kim Allen, Sumi Hollingworth and Ayo Mansaray (London Metropolitan University) at enquiries.riotsconference(a) Registration £75. Registration will be open shortly on the LSBU website. For updates you can also join our Facebook page. There are funded places for eight postgraduate students: four kindly sponsored by the Gender and Education Association and four by the British Sociological Association Youth Study Group for students studying in the areas of gender/ education and youth respectively. Please indicate if and why you would like to be considered for funding on your abstract.

mardi 29 mai 2012

France et Grande-Bretagne au prisme des revues: Past & Present, History Workshop Journal et Gender & History

Vendredi 1er  juin 2012, 14h-18h
« Historiographies comparées / Historiographies in comparison.
France et Grande-Bretagne au prisme des revues / France and Britain through journals »

En présence de Steve Smith pour Past & PresentBarbara Taylor pour History Workshop Journal et Eleanor Gordon pour Gender & History ;

L’objectif de cette rencontre est de présenter et discuter certaines des principales revues du monde britannique. Past & Present,History Workshop Journal et Gender & History ont en commun d’avoir été les  lieux d’expression des différents courants historiographiques issus de la tradition marxiste d’histoire sociale. Dans le débat on cherchera à développer un regard croisé, qui permettra d’établir des comparaisons et de tisser des liens entre ces courants et celles qui se développent en France dans la même période.

Dans le cadre de l’activité du PRI « Monde Britanniques ».  
Institut Charles V
10, rue Charles V, 75004 Paris
Salle C 330
métro: Sully-Morland, Saint-Paul ou Bastille

mercredi 23 mai 2012

CFP: Lesbian Lives Conference 2013

15-16th February 2013, at the University of Brighton, UK. Hosted by University of Brighton LGBT and Queer Life Research Hubin conjunction with Women’s Studies Centre, University College Dublin

The theme for the 20th Annual Lesbian Lives Conference is The Modern Lesbian. Conference convenors of this two-day international and interdisciplinary conference now welcome proposals from academics, scholars, students, activists, documentary and film-makers, writers and artists. This year’s keynote speakers and guests include: Sarah Schulman, Lisa Downing, a book launch of Laura Doan’s Disturbing Practices: History, Sexuality and Women’s Experience of Modern War, 1914-18, Rachel Adams (The Modern Lesbian photography project), plus special screening/panels from the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation).

Proposals are welcomed on (though are by no means limited to) the following:
The Modern Lesbian?
lesbians and (post-)modernism
lesbians and The New Woman 
•      lesbians in the history of sexuality 
lesbians and modernity
lesbian mobilities, migrations, movements and diasporas 
Age, aging, generation gaps, lifecourses and has'bians 
Bisexuals, bi-queers, and other (post-)moderns 
modern transitions, trans modernities, Trans people 
gender violence/s 
lesbians (and) technologies 
Modern media 
Modern lifestyles 
lesbians and surrealism 
lesbians, fashion and fashion statements
Feminism and Eugenics 
Political campaigns and communities 
(emerging) communities, identities, labels and transgressions 
(traditional) weddings, (serial) marriages 
pets, animals and other non-humans 
lesbians, sex, reproduction and bed death 
the lesbian detective 
lesbian pulp 
queer temporalities, futures and futurism 
queering surrealism

The conference organisers welcome proposals for (A) individual papers, (B) sessions, (C) round table discussions, (D) workshops and (E) visual presentations or performances. (*see below for more details) This year’s conference also includes a series of film screenings, which will run concurrently with the main programme. We encourage submissions across all genres, both fact and fiction which align to the conference theme, and which have been produced within the last two years.The Lesbian Lives Conference is open to all genders and any political and sexual orientations. There is an ethos of welcome and accessibility.
E-mail proposals of no more than 300 words to LGBTQ(a)

jeudi 10 mai 2012

Programme de l'atelier au congrès SAES - Limoges

vendredi 11 mai – après-midi – salle D-239
14h30 – 16h00Laurence Gervais (Paris VIII – Vincennes-Saint-Denis)
« De la transparence à l’invisibilité: assignations genrées normatives dans la ville américaine et visibilités/invisibilités féminines »
Nassera Zmihi (Rouen)
« La visibilité des femmes sans-abri à Londres depuis les années 80: tabou ou un défi au corps féminin? »
16h00 – 16h30Pause café
16h30 – 18h00Karine Rivière-De Franco (Orléans)
« Les femmes députés, le Parlement et la presse: activité, invisibilité et miroir déformant »
Marc Calvini-Lefebvre (Aix-Marseille)
Piercing the Fog: Identifying ‘Feminism’ in the Context of Total War
Sophie Croisy (Versailles – Saint Quentin en Yvelines)
Democratizing Sexuality: the Need for Sexual Transparency in Public Spaces and Discourses

samedi 12 mai – matin – salle D-239

9h00 – 11h00Gilbert Pham Tran (Paris XIII – Nord)
« Transparences wildiennes dans quelques textes de Max Beerbohm: entre inconsistance et persistance du masculin »
Margaret Gillespie (Franche-Comté)
Invisible Darkness: Gender and Racial Identity Configurations in Nella Larsen’s Passing (1929)
Georges Letissier (Nantes)
From ‘the World and his Wife’ to The World’s Wife: Carol Ann Duffy’s Poetics of Voicing Famous, Anonymous Celebrities
11h00 – 11h15Pause café
11h15 – 12h30

Assemblée générale de la SAGEF

Lien vers le site du congrès

Conférences Genre et Parenté

Marie-Blanche TAHON , sociologue, spécialiste de la famille, de la parenté et des études de genre, professeure à l'université d'Ottawa, professeure invitée à l'EHESS (Centre Norbert Elias, Marseille) donnera trois conférences pendant son séjour :
  • mardi 15 mai de 15h 17h à Paris, salle 7, EHESS, 105 boulevard Raspail, 75006, dans le cadre du séminaire "Genre, personne, interlocution" (séquence II  sur l'AMP) de  I. Théry, M. Gross, J. Merchant  et L. Brunet : La Procréation Assistée  au Québec et l'Assistance Médicale à la Procréation  en France : du plus loin au très proche".
  • mardi 22 mai de 17h30 à 19h à Marseille, salle A, EHESS, La Vieille Charité, 2 rue de la Charité 13002,  Conférence au Centre Norbert Elias : "Procréation assistée et homoparenté au Québec". 
  • jeudi 31  mai de 17h à 19h Marseille salle B, EHESS, La Vieille Charité, 2 rue de la Charité 13002, dans le cadre du séminaire "Histoire et Epistémologie de la distinction de sexe" d' Agnès Martial et al. : "Québec : le poids de l'avortement sur la gestation pour autrui".

mercredi 2 mai 2012

Fiction(s) du masculin. Discours et représentations des masculinités dans les littératures occidentales

Colloque international organisé par Bernard Banoun (EA 3556, Paris Sorbonne), Anne Tomiche (CRLC - EA 4510, Paris Sorbonne), Mónica Zapata (ICD, Université François-Rabelais, Tours)

31 mai, 1er et 2 juin 2012 Université François-Rabelais, Tours, et université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

Programme complet et détails sur la page web du colloque

TRADUCTION, GENRE & IDENTITÉ : femmes & traduction

Journée d'Etudes le 15 mai 2012, 'Femmes et traduction' au CETIM, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail avec Luise von Flotow.
Tous les détails ici